We had our PFS Team over for team training today ....breakfast and $mart training....helping people get out of debt and food! Hello...does it get any better?
We had banana nut bread, which I baked the night before, (recipe from Mark Bittman's how to cook everything, it was good, but not good enough to go to the trouble to type), fresh cantelope and strawberries, coffee, juice and pigs n blankets....we all just the love the little pigs n blankets! 1 package cocktail sausages, 2 rolls cresent roll dough...oven 375, cut each roll dough into 3 triangle, roll each weinie up in the dough, bake about 12-15 min.
Later in the day....
Scott surprised me with a yummy cocktail while I was working on here.

..a tropical fruit martini...equal parts apple juice, orange/pineapple/banana juice & vodka, with a lime wedge. So delicious and so fun:) Just as his valentines shirt says, he's my "Captain Love"!

We also had a wine tasting...comparing our $3 bottle of Merlot from Oak Leaf and another favorite, a $8 bottle of Menage a Trois red wine. Both were very good, the Menage is better, but for $3 Oak Leaf is perfectly delicious! Both are recommended:) I'm sure that red wine is not supposed to go with seafood, well actually I'm not sure, because I know less that a little about wine. But we drank it (not both bottles...some for tomorrow!, not that we wouldn't have, but I'd have been asleep by 8.30), ate the delicious dinner and loved it all...

For dinner we had shrimp, crab Alfredo w/ capellini...so yummy...thanks to Chef Scott...alfredo recipe already posted on here...so delicious.
Scott had made this Alfredo dish before and he found these gorgeous shrimp and crab legs at Costco today and was inspired. I love how well you can eat when you learn how to cook a little. This meal would be very expensive at a restaurant, and I'd be glad to eat it...but it is so rewarding to have the same delicious food in your own home, by your own hands (or your husbands!) and have left overs! It may cost $20 in ingredients for this seafood dish, not including the wine, which is still very inexpensive...a meal that would cost close to $100 for two. This amount of food gave us generous portions for dinner and then lunch the next day! So satisfying...and I got to enjoy it in my p.j.'s in my own home sitting next to my sweetie pie:)