Steak & figs wrapped in proscuitto & blue cheese

Scott bought figs last night...inspired by food network 'best thing i ever ate'. He was outside grilling the steak, and one of our neighbors said hello, commenting that he was out grilling again...Scott replied that it takes a lot of work to keep up a physic (sp?) like his as he pointed to himself in a very self depreciating probably had to be there...but that is very funny! It cracked our neighbor up any way...and me too.
the figs, before they were baked

The figs were delicious. Warm & soft, wrapped in slightly crisp prosciutto, topped with a little hoisin and blue cheese which was blistered and melting. They were soft, with a bit of crunch, and a balance of sweet, salty, tangy and just out right GOOD! Well done, honey!

my plate, with a few slices of blackened strip steak, figs, and salad...with red delicious!
We had it with our favorite Caprese salad...a simple, yet elegant meal...even if I did eat it all with my hands. My dad called just as we finished...and of course I had to tell him what we'd just enjoyed...he's a foodie too, loves to cook and really loves to eat! Can't wait to see him again soon and cook and eat together.
It's still surreal to have him call me just to hear my voice and tell me he loves me...I drink it in each time, so thankful and awed at God's goodness of bringing him "home". Pigs are flying...God does what ever he wants, whenever he chooses...and I am so thankful that he choose to call my Dad back to us, and that Dad responded. The greatest miracle of my life so far, other than the miracle of salvation. I am so blessed...and God is so faithful....and so wonderful to give us all that and yummy food to eat!