9/21/2011 Scott's burger & fries..beats all the rest!

I never really truely loved a hamburger until Scott started making these...ground chuck, 1/3 lb, seasoned with garlic powder, s&p.  Seared in a flamin' hot cast iron skillet till med rare.  A toasted bun with mayo/mustard & ketchup, usually American cheese (boars head) or cheddar...even a few sprinkles of blue cheese, a few basil leaves, sometimes some sauteed onions (not tonight)...and his home fries...he added tomatos, but they are too slippery!  Russets peeled, diced, soaked/rinsed/dried/fried & salted.  Perfection.  We change up the toppings or the shape of the fries...sometimes chips instead...but always juicy and good.  My mouth is watering as I type.  I never (that I recall) ate an entire burger until I ate this burger...My favorite (sorry In-n-Out/C.B/Whataburger..you're all good...but this one I eat hot off the grill and in my jammies!:)


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