11.26.2010 Homemade pizza's with Madi

We had pizza stones in the oven preheating and slid the pizza onto them, made easy by the cornmeal.
Lyssy's Simple & Quick Pizza Dough (I made double or triple of this for this day)
1 package active dry yeast (I use quick rise)
2/3 cup warm water (110-115)
pinch of sugar
2 cups unbleached AP flour
1/4 c cornmeal
1 tsp kosher salt
1 & 1/2 tbs oil (olive is good)
1/2 cup fresh rosemary or 1/4 cup dried (optional) I use fresh and chop it up well...so fragrant. I was afraid to use so much, but its great! It does take a lot of stems to get 1/2 cup tho....
1. In a stand mixer, dump all ingredients and mix well, add drops more of water if needed to get it to come together.
2. Knead vigorously for 5 minutes, by hand with bench floured or in the bowl with a dough attachment (I must confess that I usally to it by hand because it's so satisfying).
3. Divide dough in 4 (or half for larger pizza's), shape into balls and place in an oiled bowl, covered in cling wrap & a towel and placed in warm place for about 30 min or till doubled in size. I usally turn on the oven to low, then turn it off, just so the dough is in a warm spot.
4. Can be frozen at this point (we, Scott & I, save half for later, in the freezer after it proofs)...or rolled out and topped for pizza!
we topped it with storebought marinara, cheese, pepperoni, pesto, sauteed mushrooms/onions, other leftover meats....oh it was so yummy! Got the oven screaming hot...at least 400 or more, with pizza stone if possible, and baked to done our liking. The family that cooks together, endures together.