4.8.10 Ribeyes, Fries & Joy
Scott's fries with fresh rosemary
Scott pulled our marinating steaks out of the freezer...they have been in the marinade we made for our steak tips that we did a few nights ago...Yoshida's and such....now they've been marinating for at least 4 days....looking forward to Scott's fries, which he just told me he's cutting....marinated ribeyes...
fries fryin
fresh out of the pan
fresh chopped rosemary...from our favorite rosemary bush
the rosemary bush i planted when we lived in this building, which is right next to our mailboxes...its just huge now...Cheyenne loved to rub his head under her...we called her is girlfriend "Rosemary"...and his little furry head would smell so good

Cheyenne Moses Works...oh how we miss him
Golf, Tiger Woods is on the tv...the sun is shining still, thanks to daylight savings and it was a beautiful sunshiney and cool day. Got great news from homeoffice today about a chargeback rollup from an old agent, a debt which shouldn't have been ours...and they are finally going to help us deal with it...one of those moments where you put forth a tiny bit of effort (writing a letter requesting help, my mustard seed of faith) and God does all the heavy lifting...making sure that a fax to a number which receives thousands of faxes on any given week gets into the hands of someone who cares to pay attention to...it had already been reviewed by two other people...and I'd been given the standard answer (sorry, but this is all we can do...not much)...I had no hope of change, but God had other other plans! So as I type this, I'm reveling in that joy...one of those great moments of validation that the Lord is in the details of our lives...he asks that we obey and put one foot in front of the other...but really, He will always show up and do the heavy lifting. My spirit is warm with joy.
I am blessed...and looking forward to dinner with my sweetie...caprese salad..a blurry pic...but i kinda like it