3.21.10 a snowy Sunday for a scallop dinner
Good Morning!
we woke up to several inches of snow today...the second day of Spring. while I wish that I didn't need to bring all my plants inside (again) its very cozy to wake up to snow covering the world. there is a peacefulness to the white.
had to bring the plants in earlier in the month cause of snow...they looked so pretty I left em
We went to our new favorite place for Sunday brunch...Luna de Noche. We both have endorphines flowing from our meals there. Like going on a Mexican vacation for just a moment...even if there is snow outside....especially if there is snow outside!
We stopped by a favorite local grocery store to get the rest of our dinner groceries and wonder around (a fav past time) They were cooking up their in store made sausages and a sweet lady offered us a sample. We both wanted the other to taste it cause we were so full...so decided to share one small bite, each taking a bite (still some left)...the ladies at the meat counter thought that was so cute...and fawned over us saying how in love we still must be and wanting to know if Scott was as sweet at home as he seems just then...which warrented a big smootch from me to my sweetie...if they only could know that he is beyond sweet...just my favorite person on planet earth! Anyway, it was a very sweet morning.
Now my favorite person is cutting corn off the cob to go with our seared scallops...the idea is to saute the corn with sauteed onion and peppers with probably a dash of cream sherry. He's planning to render and crisp some pancetta to cook the scallops with...and then we bought two small artichokes to steam. I'm looking forward to this meal as I drink my wine. Scott has golf to watch while he's cooking and I'm so enjoying just relaxing, writing and sipping....all while the snow is melting outside.

fresh corn, red bell pepper & onion
pancetta ready to be crisped up
sweet scallops
into the frying pan with bacon fat & olive oil...I must say that my little apt smelled like scallops for far to long after this tho....Scott's declared a moratorium on scallop for now...even tho they were yummy.
seared scallops, steamed artichokes and corn sautee with carmelized onion and peppers
cookies for dessert...my favorite choc chip recipe with mini m&m's...my favorite chocolate chip cookies ever! I think I have the recipe on here already...I'll have to check.