Chix Marinara Capellini & a special wishbone 11.29.09

We've been using rotissiere chix a lot lately. Scott gets em and strips em clean and we use the meat over several days...He usually sets aside the wishbone so we can pull it...and I've won the last two times. This nite, he set it aside to dry out...and when we pulled it he reminded me to make a wish...I told him my wish, then he told me his, and they both were for our near future...I immediately said "I want us to both get our wishes"...then we pulled...and for the first time in either of our lives the wishbone split exactly in half! God is into details...very cool.
Tonight we made our favorite marinara using our go-to store bought/dr'd up sauce..then added our shredded chix and served with Capellini, Scott's favorite pasta for marinara. So delicious. Another meal helping us feel at home in our new place.