11.27.13 chile sauce, toffee and meatloaf

It is Thanksgiving eve and we are having a fantastic week! I am so relieved to be resting in my week off from school…but finding I'm bored if I don't keep busy. Today is was breakfast at Chick-fil-a…a RedBox movie, Costco run for candy ingredients…making toffee and then hatch red chile sauce with the rest of our ristra…(I think that's what it's called, the large braid of dried red, hatch chiles). We had about 2 lbs of uncooked meatloaf in the freezer from a dinner party we had on Friday for some of our dear friends (colleagues from school)…so now we just defrosted it, topped it, baked it and re-heated the mashers! All the benefit with very little effort! So we will bring toffee to our family & friends…have chile sauce for future enchiladas and have meatloaf for tonight. All in a days work. frozen enchilada sauce…ready for this winter ketchup/brown sugar covered meatloaf ready for the oven YUM with left over mashed potatoes that Scott g...