Birthdays & Independence

Looking forward to seeing my whole family today. Dad's home for the day from driving. Madi is with Mikey for all of July and the kids and them spent the nite at mom and dad's (scary thought all of them in that house over nite...) Scott's out helping our sweet Sammy mow his and Judy's lovely acreage at the Mc's Ranch...working up his holiday appetite. I got up and made us pancakes, eggs and turkey bacon this morning. I slept restlessly, missing Cheyenne's little warm weight next to me. All these years I've looked forward to the bittersweet day I would get to sleep soundly and not have to get up to take the dogs out at the crack of dawn...its still bitter...waiting for the sweet. Just sweet memories now....and a new independence for the future. Its going to take some getting used to tho...its just too quiet with out our little guy. Laughing children and my loud crazy family will be just the antidote today...can't wait to hear Logan and Madison laughing and playing...and eat a little cake. Happy Independence Day Cheyenne...say hello to your bro's for us. It was an honor being your "dog momma" all these years.

Cynthia's Carrot Cake
2 Cups all purpose flour, 2 Cups sugar, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp ground cinnamon, 3 Cups finely shredded carrot (about 4-5 carrots), 1 Cup vegi oil, 4 eggs.
Grease & flour a 13X9 pan or 2 9X1&1/2 baking rounds. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt & cinnamon, add carrot, oil, eggs. beat w/ electric mixer till well combined...I do this in my kitchen aid mixer, which is bright pink and makes baking even more fun. Beat on med speed 2 minutes. Turn into pan(s) & bake at 325 for 50-60 min in 13X9 or 40 min for rounds. Turn them half way in oven so they bake evenly, and test early with tooth pick so you don't overbake. Cool on rack, and remove from rounds after 10 mins. Cool well and frost/fill with cream cheese frosting, and chopped pecans. Enjoy:)