Scott's birthday & chocolate cupcakes
i waited too long to blog this and i can't remember what we ate for dinner...although i remember it was really good...but i do remember the chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese frosting cause i took a picture:) i got him a stainless steel mandoline so he can work on perfecting the crispy potato chip and cakes...and my dad gave him a gold plated putter! too funny. well, the cupcakes were a little dry, but the frosting solves all scott says, you could put it on cardboard and it'd be good. i've used several recipes over the years and this is our new favorite.
8 oz cream cheese, 4 oz butter, 4 cups powdered sugar, sifted, 1/8 tsp salt, 1 tsp vanilla
blend cheese, butter at room temp, add other ingredients and whip a little till fluffy. add your favorite coloring or just enjoy in all its creamy, cheesy whiteness.