breakfast for birthdays and everydays
we love breakfast...especially when we have mimosas to drink as we did for a morning during our birthday week...we decided that since our birthdays are exactly a week apart we get to celebrate for an entire week and since they were on the weekend this year it was more like 10 days... we still have the flutes from our honeymoon...they've made it 16 years, or at least 2 of the 4 did:) ah, dreams of lake tahoe in the fall (speaking of lake tahoe and breakfast...i have two words for hut)...any way, breakfast usually entails creamy, cheesy scrambled eggs, bacon (turkey or regular), surprisingly i like turkey bacon better in this instance, and flaky refrigerator biscuits with butter and strawberry jam. scott usually cooks this while i'm still attempting to avoid the day under the duvet, snugged up with chey all warm and cozy in the dark. 

sometimes we (i) make cream gravy...or toast instead of biscuits if that's all we have. its a very good way to ease into the daylight... and after which to climb back under the covers.
every girl needs her fairy tale pumpkin birthday gift to me...isn't it cute!
birthday flowers... thanks for having me mom:)