Baking with Madison...thank the Lord for chocolate.
Madison was inspired to bake by her book... What's baking,Strawberry Shortcake? ...and by her bunny cookie house she decorated yesterday. It was time to bake a chocolate cake...a good time filler for a five year old and her tired "auntie"...who earlier in the day while swimming and irritated at me told me that she was too big to play with toys...while she did the quotes with her fingers! How does a five year old know to do quotation marks with her fingers to emphasis her point!? I asked her what that meant, what she did with her fingers...and she replied something a little non-sensical...but no so much that it still didn't leave me scratching my head. I am amazed at what comes out of her little mind...she told me today, totally out of the blue that she was sad (this while watching a video right next to me and completely happy just seconds before). I asked why she was sad...and as only a child of divorce can so heart-breakingly say..."I don't want another bed....