8.5.10 My Momma's Victory Beans

This blog started with beans...and a momentous occasion occurred in these last few weeks...My momma made her Eaton Family famous beans. Beans wouldn't seem like such a big deal...simple, humble beans. But, in our family they are history and presently, they are a victory, a triumph. My momma...who filled my young belly with extraordinary delights and taught me the value of a well cooked meal and the joy that can be experienced in it's creation, hasn't been able to cook for many years. At times due to business...and most recently due to disability and poor health. But the Eaton Family has experienced a victory! In the form of a little dry bean, which was transformed into a succulent, tender, savory, protein and carb infused wonder. A nourishment available to the poorest and also enjoyed by the most wealthy (if they are smart!) Last week Momma called to say she had made a pot of beans...which in my family means COMFORT FOOD....warm flour tortillas are all th...