Chile Relleno's & Shrimp...with upside down chocolate pie

Scott decided on chile rellenos last night..which may be my favorite mexican dish of all time, made with my favorite chile...poblano. They turned out wonderful...but a little funny drama in the prep. I'm sitting on the couch chillin and he's cleaning the chilis of the charred skin...and I hear..."mother", just that one word in disgust..ask him what's wrong...he say's nothing...a few seconds later...."son of a...." i get up to see if he's cut his finger off or what...he's standing over the sink, staring down at the drain....he finally tells me a chile just shot right down the garbage a missle...he thought it was shredded/destroyed...but i rescued it and it was fine...then we proceeded to laugh fitfully as he recounted the whole event...he was holding the chile by the stem (bad move) and was feeling confident after already successfully cleaning one...and that chile fell right off the stem and shot straight down the drain ...